Monday, February 22, 2010


i fucking hate the people who organised soundwave with a passion. because you ran out of water and had no shade i had to leave. i didnt even get to see the bands i realy wanted to see. not to mention the people i havent seen in ages either! i am so horribly burnt and heatstroked ugh. no one understands how badly i wanted to placebo. and now i will never get to, unless i run to the airport with the money i dont have, get on a plane and go to the perth show that i dont have a ticket for. i hate my life more than anything right now.

and i have to go to newcastle with mother tomorrow for a fun day. gonna be heaps good with sunburn and shit hey.
all i want to do is cry. nothing is working out for me anymore. i knew things wouldnt last long. i finally remember the feeling of being this uinhappy with life.