Thursday, October 8, 2009

soulmates never die

:@ :@ :@ :@
i hate all the little year 8 girls who think there mad hectic scene and shit.
they make me want to gouge my eyes out with something sharp and shiny, just so i don't have to look at them!
they are taking everything and making it their version of "scene"
as if "scene" hasn't ruined enough stuff alreadyy eg hello kitty.
makes me oh so very angry
stop taking things!!!!
"//" will never be yours leave mitchell davis alone,
BMTH was so much better before you started liking it you little hardcopre hussys, oli sykes does not want to piss in your mouth ok?
short stack was a good band, dont run them. your too obsessive!
stop making me not want to like things ebcause you are!!!!!!
and if i see or find out you guys get drunk and smoke im seriously going to kill you, so hardcore.
your like what? 13? stop acting like you 16 year old scene b!TcH3$ ok?
i'll probably update this latter with more rant about what our world and "scene" has become and what's been ruined and what not. i will also fix the punctuation, but right now pizza id ready and i'm hungry ^-^

im outty.

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