Sunday, June 27, 2010

fuck last night was crazy
i need sleep, mi goreng and to chill.
but i have no mi goreng left ughhh

i think me and hamish had the best d&m and i appreciate him informing me on stuff as i did to him :)
i know you'll read this lurker, sooo um fuck you? lieing dog.

it was not fun watching fights and getting hit in the chin by some gronk trying to start everyone. chattest guy :(
and it was not fun going to bed at 3am

it was fun wearing haydens hat and bag and having those moments where you have eye contact with someone about something and laugh hysterically.
hahah "i just came"
"did she just say i just came? because she may not want to be screaming that out, she might give off the wrong impression" HAHAHAHA
and it was fu when craig rang me and we spoke for ages :) i miss himmmmm ><

i now miss my favourite ever so much and wish he didn't live in Sydney :(
i think im going to rape him when i see him this weekend ^^
i love you my schnooky wooky wooo, babykins, la di da boy, babyface cute head, teegelypop :D

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