Monday, July 12, 2010

okay, well this is my ex-boyfriend, Zacary Andrews.
i pretty much loved him and gave him everything i could.
i worked endlessly on making him arty crafty presents,
i remained myself, i changed into the girl he wanted me to be and i tried to do a little of both.
but he decided, in the end,
he would cheat on me and then dump me for his best friend (who smiles like a tard).
he pretty much ruined my mind, my heart and my body.
but whatever, it makes me feel better to know that his new girlfriend is pure filth and he will never be more than second best. to his friends, to his family and hopefully to his girlfriend.
she cheated on her last boyfriend at snow camp and i hear shes already cheated on Zac.
hopefully she cheats on you, even if you don't find out and go through the emotional pain, it would still be funny to know she has and you are oblivious to it :)
"never take it seriously" means a lot more now, taking something seriously and getting hurt from it helped me realise this.
you pulled me down, you forced me to me someone I'm not, you wouldn't let me out or see my friends, you always assumed i wouldn't be faithful or something. and look what you did?
I'm defiantly not letting anyone tell me what to do or try and change me.
its hard because i can't help but to put others first, but hopefully i wont take anyone's shit from now on. and do what i want, not what they want.
Fuck you Zac.

day 7 — your ex-boyfriend/girlfriend/love/crush

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