Wednesday, July 28, 2010

this just made me so happy

when cute strangers hold the door for you and you wake up to text messages and you feel appreciated and when you are sunburned and your body is warm and cold showers in the summer and diet cokes on the porch and music soaks into your soul and when someone talks to you first and when “i love you” comes from them first and airplanes and grass stains and when you catch the sunset just in time and when the coffee is just right and when you get mail and green lights and when suddenly you wake up and you feel better and hand holding and when you have adventures and when you learn to drive and when books make you cry and awkward small talk and new notebooks and a cold vodka lemonade and a brother who’s nice to you after all these years and pretty eyes and trains and temptations to get a tattoo just so you won’t forget and new countries and when the light is perfect and kisses on the forehead and being broken but laughing about it and when the sky is blue and songs that make you smile and sand in your shoes and when you laugh and laugh and laugh

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