Saturday, July 3, 2010

why do i feel so intimidated by everyone i meet or even see?
I'm afraid you will leave me for someone prettier, thinner, funnier, nicer, funner and just better.
i know you won't but i guess i just question everything and i am unsure about us in general.
i trust you so much because you have never done anything wrong to break that trust, but its so hard knowing i trust you so much.
because i am so attached to you, if you leave ill be stuck with nothing again
i know you will be the one leaving me in the end, i cant bring myself to hurt anyone or even be mean.
because i know, to a great extent, what it feels like.
and i don't wish that pain upon anyone.
I'm trying to be the best girlfriend ever because i want this to last.
even if it means doing things i don't want to do, or don't feel comfortable doing.
i hate being difficult and i just want to see you happy.
you deserve it more than me, so I'm going to try my hardest so you're always happy
i know its so soon but i love you so much.
i feel safe with you because I've knows you for a while now
I'm not quite as comfortable as i think you would like around you. but I'm trying
i hope all my effort doesn't go to waste because i don't know how much longer fruits basket will save me for
i just need to inhale, think of what Tohru would do, and exhale.
she always knows what to do, and she seems to enjoy her life. nothing gets her down, or at least she doesn't show it..
being in denial and holding everything inside locked away probably isn't a good thing, but there's no point in being upset right?
its all in the past. and i shouldn't dwell there, as i can not ever go back.
i must think only of the present and the future.
but not stress about the future because it hasn't happened yet.
i think I'm confusing myself :S

ha ha

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