Monday, September 27, 2010

I wish you still liked me.
i know you don't because this is how you acted last time we had a fight.
so i don't want to confront you about anything because i don't want to lose you as a friend.
so i guess I'm going to rant on here, even if i feel bad about ranting :/

you aren't treating me nice at all, especially when friends are over.
you are incredibly dog to me and lie all the time.
i know this because i see you lie to your other friends so i know when you do it to me.

you never even want to hang out with me anymore.
we live in the same house and yet we barely see each other.
we haven't gone out together, just us, in months.
and when we do go out it's with the other girls and you all leave me out and make me feel unwanted.
you make me feel constantly disliked and i just wish you wanted to do things with and for me,
the way i want to with you.
i don't think we are best friends anymore, we never say it.
i now only have one true friend who i never see anymore.

I'm sick of being the only one putting effort in to our friendship but I'm not going to give up.
it just makes me tired and more sad but i guess i wont give up on you.
i only hope you realise what you re doing and try and fix it.
otherwise you may lose me forever.
not that i think it would really phase you right now.
i love you so much and i continue to do whats right and be a good friend, even though this friendship is incredibly one-sided.

i just want you to be happy..

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