Tuesday, April 27, 2010


seriously have ruined my life soo much. you deffinatly cheated on me on friday eh? you have made me the most miserable mess to date and you say you werent happy with me but you're not happy now? yeh i bet you'll be happier without me. from the looks of your past it wont take you long to move oin and in with another girl. i should've listened to your ex when she warned me about you. and maybe i wouldnt be like this now. beause of you, i'ver lost all hope in myself and others, and im scared to get out of bed in the morning because i know what loneliness is again. i cant stop thinkning about you becaus ei love you so much, i want you back, but you just want to be friends and i know that we should never be together because i failed at being a good girlfriend, i didnt make you happy. i tried so hard. i guess ill return the half of your birthday present i got eh...

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