Sunday, May 30, 2010

Five things you will find if you open my bag:
1. My wallet
2. School stuff
3. A black scarf
4. Clothes
5. Ipod

Five things in my bedroom
1. Lamp
2. Computer
3. T.V
4. My matress
5. Balloons

Five things I’ve always wanted to do in my life:
1. Travel and see the world
2. Meet someone perfect
3. Go on a date
4. Run away with someone for a while
5. Be rich

Five things that make me very happy:
1. Music
2. Good times with close friends
3. Nights out
4. Movies/DVD's
5. Money

Five things I’m currently into:
1. Sex
2. Making an effort with my apearance
3. Sleep
4. Solitaire
5. Blogging

Five things on my to-do list:
1. Lose weight
2. Fix my hair (bleach bath, dye it orange and get extensions)
3. Make Hayley move in sooner
4. Get double nostril and my septum pierced
5. Buy winter clothes with the money i don't have

Five things some people may or may not know about you:
1. I do nothing constructive
2. I hate my thighs
3. I'm very self
concious and insecure
4. I've suffered depression and im scared it's getting the best of me again. 5. I'm afraid you don't care.

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