Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Do the Dew;

"You are completely oblivious. Just like a newborn child. You don't know why you were given life, or for what purpose you exist... You simply shout to emphasise your life... your own existence. You are completely oblivious."

-Final Fantasy IX

even the best fall down sometimes..

Never say goodbye,
because goodbye means going away;
and going away means forgetting.

-Peter Pan

Sunday, October 25, 2009

"she will be loved"

hahaha i find it rather amusing you think i dont know what you say about me.
because i actually know a lot now.
i also find it pathetic the things you say
because im in no nway "clingly" and i dont "always want sex"
you always make the first move, and i usually say i dont want to.
you never listen though and you suck up so baaaaaaaad.
what? do you have to ask her approval for everything?
i like how we have a theory your aim is to fuck like everyone in the world
your friend list is already over like 1000,
i wonder how many of them you haven't had sexual relations with?

oh and i know if you actually bother to lurk me and read this you will know its about you.
but why lurk me in the first place, because i know you dont care that much about me, lier.
you have lied to me so much!
and to all my other friends, can you accept anything?
ot do you always have to deny it -__-


Thursday, October 15, 2009

i'm just a girl with a sweet tooth for revenge..

..and boy, your so sweet i could grind you up and sprinkle you over my cereal.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

soulmates never die

:@ :@ :@ :@
i hate all the little year 8 girls who think there mad hectic scene and shit.
they make me want to gouge my eyes out with something sharp and shiny, just so i don't have to look at them!
they are taking everything and making it their version of "scene"
as if "scene" hasn't ruined enough stuff alreadyy eg hello kitty.
makes me oh so very angry
stop taking things!!!!
"//" will never be yours leave mitchell davis alone,
BMTH was so much better before you started liking it you little hardcopre hussys, oli sykes does not want to piss in your mouth ok?
short stack was a good band, dont run them. your too obsessive!
stop making me not want to like things ebcause you are!!!!!!
and if i see or find out you guys get drunk and smoke im seriously going to kill you, so hardcore.
your like what? 13? stop acting like you 16 year old scene b!TcH3$ ok?
i'll probably update this latter with more rant about what our world and "scene" has become and what's been ruined and what not. i will also fix the punctuation, but right now pizza id ready and i'm hungry ^-^

im outty.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Some people are born with tradgedy in their blood.

i can remember every word you ever told me,
[i can't stop thinking about it]
so keep talking;

because i'm so scared you'll stop..

Every living creature on earth dies alone.

i can't even begin to explain how jealous i am that you're with her.
i'm not sure if i like you, but you mean a lot.
and you being with her, well not else much to say but ouch?
i know i will never be yours because you are far too happy getting to be with every girl you meet.
i am probably just one of those random roots you talk shit to huh?
i bet everything you have ever told me was a lie.
you say i'll never lose you, but i doubt that.

i like it when you say rawr after we kiss, it makes me giggle;
what i guess i'm saying is i am so jealous of her and every other one, and i really don't want to lose you :\