Tuesday, June 8, 2010

i actually just started feeling really depressed :(
but i don't want to bother anyone.
theres one person who wouldn't mind,but i still feel like I'm bothering him :(

ugh, you obviously still care if you go to the effort to read my blog, you don't just do it out of boredom.

you aren't making us being friends any easy. you always bring up an excuse to end the conversation.
ughhhhhhhhhh this wont work
fuck frgbeugb :(

i love you so much and it hurts that we will never be anywhere near close again.
i feel so down right now..

why is this so hard, :(
i just wish you loved me, everything would be easier then.
i made you my fucking life, everything i do or have revolves or reminds me of you.
its not fair you were meant to be in my life so much longer
you cant just stop something like this.

but i guess you just didn't feel like being friends with kaylea anymore, so i guess I'm just like her.
i mean nothing to you, and you mean everything to me.

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