Tuesday, June 1, 2010

i can't even begin to explain how i feel. its like Ive fallen off the top story of some fancy hotel
i knew this would happen, i don't know what Ive done to deserve this.
you told me you loved me and everything would be alright and we would make it last and work for ever.
maybe you lost faith? or maybe it was all lies, but you have done it again. all i want to do is cry. i m sick of getting fucked around but i cant be happy without you. i just wish you loved me back and wanted to me.
i was so looking forward to the nest week, and i started believing you loved me again after the weekend, but i guess not
so now I'm even more crushed because i let myself believe you again and get closer
i don't care about anything but you. i want you and i don't care about anything else.
you could be a rapist or bash me every night and id still want you.
please come back :(
i cant deal with this, not again.
its so stressful and it hurts so much.
please, love me?

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