Tuesday, September 28, 2010

hurry up queensland! >:O

Monday, September 27, 2010

so sick of my spacebar not working and having to go back and press it heaps hard.
"I know, she knows, i'm not fond of asking."
i miss when you used to leave me cute notes on my computer for me to wake up to when you went to work before i would wake up.
Mumma just gave me a smoke :)
I'm thinking about slowly quitting.
like cutting down heaps :)

it's such a horrible habit and i look down on myself for doing it.
i never want anyone i love to do it because it's so bad.
but i guess i can't stop them
i enjoyed the reptile park and i am very happy we actually went.
even though i woke up really early only to find you hadn't even left for the train station yet..
but it was a lovely day and we saw Chloe and Mikey too :D
and Hardy's Bay was sososo fun, shame we had to leave and get drunk on the basketball courts -.-
it wasn't too bad, although i never want to drink passionpop again.
lunch with your mumma,Tim and Lachlan was nice too :)
your mumma is so lovely.
shame i was too hungover to be hungry and eat more than half a plate.
i had a lovely weekend, but i miss you so much because i barely saw you.
stupid Parkway >.<
at least you had fun and found a ticket :)

i love my lamby more than anyone else.

haha this!
I wish you still liked me.
i know you don't because this is how you acted last time we had a fight.
so i don't want to confront you about anything because i don't want to lose you as a friend.
so i guess I'm going to rant on here, even if i feel bad about ranting :/

you aren't treating me nice at all, especially when friends are over.
you are incredibly dog to me and lie all the time.
i know this because i see you lie to your other friends so i know when you do it to me.

you never even want to hang out with me anymore.
we live in the same house and yet we barely see each other.
we haven't gone out together, just us, in months.
and when we do go out it's with the other girls and you all leave me out and make me feel unwanted.
you make me feel constantly disliked and i just wish you wanted to do things with and for me,
the way i want to with you.
i don't think we are best friends anymore, we never say it.
i now only have one true friend who i never see anymore.

I'm sick of being the only one putting effort in to our friendship but I'm not going to give up.
it just makes me tired and more sad but i guess i wont give up on you.
i only hope you realise what you re doing and try and fix it.
otherwise you may lose me forever.
not that i think it would really phase you right now.
i love you so much and i continue to do whats right and be a good friend, even though this friendship is incredibly one-sided.

i just want you to be happy..
but maybe in reverse colours.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

I've got lower tummy pains that are worrying me..
and i need a smoke really bad.

/hates on life.

I'm So HxC.
so basically :
  • we barely talk anymore because you're always too tired
  • i only see you on the weekend
  • when we see each other on the weekends you always want to go out but spend time with me aswell so i get unwillingly dragged out with you just so you can dog me for your friends
  • i never see my friends
  • when we are together we never do anything because you're too tired or can't be bothered..even if i just finished getting ready
  • we always fight
  • usually because I'm too happy and playful and you're not in the mood
  • and I'm constantly getting let down
This Saturday we are going to the reptile park, and apparently Hardy's Bay for your birthday but you haven't spoken to anyone about it so i doubt anyone will come.

If you dog me to see Lachlan on Friday night, or make me come out, or if we don't go to the reptile park, or if we end up just getting drunk at a fucking skate park or somewhere shit on Saturday night or if we do nothing all weekend and all you do is sleep and then when you aren't sleeping fight with me...
I'm seriously going to break down in tears.

i love you so much but i am just so unhappy with my life and sad all the time.
i just want things t get better and our relationship be more exciting.
i don't want a repeat of my last relationship.

sometimes i feel as if you don't want to to talk and you're just doing it because otherwise I'll get upset.
and sometimes i feel like you don't even like me...or love me.
it's not a nice feeling, and I'm way to scared to discuss it just incase it ends in more fighting.
i love you so much and if you break up with me because you "don't know what to do anymore" or "you're confused" i am going to be the biggest mess.

i love you so much and if i was to lose you i would die inside and there would be no point in living.
considering my friends never want to hang out with me because I'm always with you.
not that that bothers me, its just..you get to see your friends every weekend aswell as me...and i never see mine with you, or just by myself.

i miss girls nights where we drink and have fun.
i can't drink with you because you're such a messy drunk i have to look after you and not have fun and apparently i get to rowdy when I'm drunk and I'd hate to embarrass you..

i guess what I'm trying to say is..

I'm scared.
so very scared...

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

and a unicorn somewhere.. :)
i really want a tattoo with a kraken strangling an anchor.
or something equally as cool..
The awkward moment when your ex comes to pick up DVD's and his mutt of a girlfriend who ruined your life is in the car with him and the only words you can muster are "hey.. happy birthday".

ahh love it.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

I want fairy lights in my room nao!
Most amazing cover i have ever heard ♥

Listen to all their songs, most amazing voices ever.
I feel so unhealthy...
Worst feelings ever:
  • Being on your period
  • Random cuts and bruises
  • When a store doesn’t have your size
  • When you die in a video game
  • Sunday night before school
  • Losing something precious
  • Having tons of homework and having only one night to finish
  • When you have to say goodbye after an amazing day
  • Knowing ‘he’ or ‘she’ is angry at you.
  • Not liking what you see in the mirror
  • Having tummy aches
  • And heart aches
  • Losing a bestfriend
  • Feeling like your not good enough
  • And when TUMBLR isnt working
So true.
So...Madi's boyfriend did this to her and she was preetty annoyed, and I'm guessing i would be too if this happened.
Sleep comes first. Period.
Decided on an apple :)
so much better than chocolate ♥


  • I've gained weight and NEED to diet.
  • The computer is really facking slow.
  • I need more nanna cardi's and blouses from the salvos.
  • I don't care how or when, but i'm going out for chinese with whoever wants to come within the next week.
  • I want that white hat and leopard print sarong from the expense bikini shop >.< .
  • I want a pretty teaset and coffee table so Hayley and I can have cute tea seshs
  • I really want the other side of my nose pierced really soon.
  • Then i want my septum as soon as it's healed enough.
  • Moustache septum bar /froth.
  • I need clothes with anchors and other nautical things on them.
  • I need a new pair of shorts.
  • I want my hair to be fucking oranage noww!!!!
  • Skinny please?
  • A good hairdresser to cut myfringe properly please.
  • I really want to go to animania on sunday :(
  • I wish we didn't fight so much because i don't want to be a shit girlfriend like i was to my last boyfriend, i'm so fucking sorry.
  • I also want you to actually want to go places with me because i don't want this to be a repeat of my last relationship.
  • Loose lips sink ships.
  • I really want some chocolate but i'm meant to be dieting. >.< .
  • I need to start organising what I'm doing for Steven's birthday.
  • The wasted pulp of what you are..
  • Note to self: Blank CD's so i can get all my movies off your computer and be done with your putrid ass that i unfortunately can't bear to hate.
  • Hurry up and get more bandanna's in you silly old Asian woman. i want a red one!
  • black tights
  • i want my nails done.
  • i actually find the whole cake face and dark eyes attractive now? maybe this is just because i hate my face and everything else about me.
  • The only thing i like about ym self is my nose, and even that had blackheads and gross shit.
  • Yup, never owned ugg boots. Should think about getting a pair aha.
  • mmm Michael Henry and Justin Robinett ♥ my loves.
  • FUCK i need new headphones!
  • I need pretty sandals for Queensland.
  • I might go and watch fruits basket soon :).
I met Allie today :)
it was lovely and i think she is very sweet n.n

I also bought a red bikini, realised I've gained weight, decided I'm going on a diet so i look good for Queensland, got a new nose stud, bought a pretty cigarette case from the dollar store, decided i need more nanna cardigans and blouses from the salvos, got a repeat for my contraceptive pill, had scones and a chai latte with mumma and spoke to my amazing boyfriend ♥

andddd i am currently overhearing my drunk mother talking shit to my sister on the phone -.-
my face was unacceptable.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

ugh! skdguferuiowfgberfgb
i fucking hate this.
why the fuck do i still love you?
i'm sick of getting upset about the both of you..STILL
fuck i miss us.
i love my Franklin ♥
Hayley found this picture of Steven and as soon as i saw it i "awh!'ed" for about 903 years :)
my bandannas look better on him though :3
i love waking up and realising that my nose stud fell out during my slumber.
i love rachel even more for forcing it backthrough when i woke up.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

someone get me this shirt.
The Doctor: What was her name?
Donna: I don’t know…
The Doctor: (slightly frantic)Donna, what was her name?
Donna: (Thinking) But she told me, to warn you. She said two words…
The Doctor: What two words, what were they? What did she say?
Donna: …Bad Wolf.

haven't been on this in sooo long :|